Sophie Choudry

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Sophie Choudry is an Indian Actress, Model and Singer. Sophie is one of the most popular Vj's ever on MTV, She made the nation swoon with her blockbuster songs Ek Pardesi, Mera Babu Chail Chabila , Jadugar Saiyan and with her role as baby girl vol 4 in Pyar ke side effects as well as shootout at Wadala and once upon a time in mumbai doobara with Akshay Kumar. She is also a fitness and fashion icon. Sophie is a multi-talented artist and her fans love to see her on the big screen.

Know more about Sophie Choudry

Sophie Choudry is a British singer and actress.

Sophie Choudry was born on 8th February 1982.

Wish Sophie Choudry a Happy Birthday with Celewish on 8th February. Book Now!

Sophie Choudry was born in Manchester, England.

Sophie Choudry lives in Mumbai, India.

Sophie Choudry’s Instagram handle is @sophiechoudry

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